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Monastery Coffee

Wilton Benitez (Regional Washed) - Colombia

Wilton Benitez (Regional Washed) - Colombia

Raw Sugar, Shortbread, Tinned Lychees

Regular price $22.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $22.00 AUD
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Shipping Information

Shipped by: Monastery Coffee
Location: Adelaide, SA

Monastery Coffee process orders on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Coffee is always shipped within 7 days of roasting.

Items ordered today are expected to ship by Monday (03 March)

  • Free delivery for orders 1kg+ from any one roaster
  • 5% discount on purchase of multiple 1kg bags of coffee blends

Wilton Benitez is a highly specialised Colombian coffee producer with a lifetime of experience in the production and processing of exotic coffee, with a plethora of awards for the quality of his coffees. Today Wilton has a processing plant in the Department of Cauca and two small farms (one in Cauca and the other in Risaralda). His farms meet the highest standards of quality and control and social practice. Granja Paraíso 92 is a family farm that has different varieties such as Java, Bourbon Pink, Geisha, Pacamara, Caturra, Tabi, Castillo, Supremo and Colombia. They use highly innovative cultivation systems such as terraces and drip irrigation. It has its own laboratories to calculate all the details from shade to nutrition with scientific efficiency, all aimed at producing incredibly unique and aromatic coffees.

This lot is a 'controlled washed' fermentation and uses coffee cherries that Wilton purchases from neighbouring farmers.

The processes applied to the different coffees start from a strict selection, sterilisation and characterisation of the cherry. Next is the first phase of controlled anaerobic fermentation, where a specific microorganism is added for each process. After that, the coffee is pulped and subjected to a second fermentation phase which is followed by a bean sealing process that is carried out through impacts of hot and cold water to improve the organoleptic conditions of the coffee.

  • Region: Piendamo, Cauca
  • Country: Colombia
  • Elevation: 1,750 masl
  • Variety: Various
  • Processing: Controlled Washed

View full details
  • Coffee Profile

    Roast Type
    Espresso & Filter Espresso and Filter
    Roast Level
    Indicator fullIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator empty
    Single origin Single Origin
    Best served Black Best served Black
  • Brewing Guide

    Methods recommended
    Espresso Moka pot Pour over Aeropress Drip coffee French press

    Not available

  • Tasting Guide

    Taste Profile
    Balanced & Aromatic Balanced & Aromatic
    Tasting Notes

    Raw Sugar, Shortbread, Tinned Lychees


Wilton Benitez

Adam from Monastery Coffee


Monastery Coffee

Monastery Coffee are a small batch roaster of traceable coffee, based in Adelaide, South Australia.

As a roaster, Monastery Coffee feel it is their role to firstly, roast only to preserve and highlight the individual qualities inherent in each coffee due to the meticulous work of the producers, and secondly, to make sure the consumer knows who the producers are and where the coffee came from.

Monastery Coffee

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