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Marvell St Coffee Roasters

Neli Martinez

Neli Martinez

Lychee, Dried Fruits, Praline

Regular price $25.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 AUD
Discount Sold out
Taxes included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Shipping Information

Shipped by: Marvell St Coffee Roasters
Location: Byron Bay, NSW

Marvell St Coffee roast and ship orders once a week. Orders must be placed by 5pm AEST each Monday for dispatch the next day.

Items ordered today are expected to ship by Tuesday (24 September)

  • Free delivery for orders 1kg+ from any one roaster
  • 10% discount on purchase of multiple 1kg bags of coffee blends


Each day after school, Neli helped her father with post-harvest coffee processing, fondly recalling de-pulping, washing, and turning the beans as they dried. During school holidays, she eagerly joined in the harvest.

As Neli grew older, her passion for coffee blossomed, eventually leading her to take over the farm. The early years were tough; poor conditions and meagre income made it difficult to support her family.

Determined to improve, Neli learned about specialty coffee from a successful neighbour. In 2016, she sold her first micro-lot, reaping the rewards of her hard work.

  • Region: Santa Barbara
  • Country: Honduras
  • Elevation: 1,500 masl
  • Variety: Pacas
  • Processing: Washed 
View full details
  • Coffee Profile

    Roast Type
    Filterw Filter
    Roast Level
    Indicator fullIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator empty
    Single origin Single Origin
    Best served Black Best served Black
  • Brewing Guide

    Methods recommended
    Pour over Drip coffee Aeropress French press
    Brewing recipe for Pour over

    1 : 15

    brew ratio


    ground coffee


    brewed coffee


    brewing time


    brewing temperature

    This is our standard recipe for pour over filter brews using a 2 cup brewer. For larger sized brewers, increase the ground and brewed coffee weights using the same brew ratio.

    Source: Acuratore
  • Tasting Guide

    Taste Profile
    Balanced & Aromatic Balanced & Aromatic
    Tasting Notes

    Lychee, Dried Fruits, Praline


Marvell St Coffee Roasters

Marvell St select and roast coffees that are balanced, naturally sweet and free of defects, believing in minimal intervention, both on the farm level, and when roasting the raw green product. This philosophy leads them to buy the best quality coffee from Central and South America, West Africa as well as locally from Byron Bay. On a community level, they support businesses that operate with a shared intent to benefit the local community and environment.  

As a growing company they are conscious of their impact on the environment, and try to make as little impact as possible. They use a Loring Smart roaster designed to be extremely efficient and low emission. They hand deliver local orders in reuseable buckets saving about 250,000 coffee bags yearly from going into landfill. Their retail coffee bags are 100% recyclable and they make their shipping satchels from the materials their green beans are stored in. 

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