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Monastery Coffee

Jaya Tani Farm - Indonesia (Anaeorbic Natural)

Jaya Tani Farm - Indonesia (Anaeorbic Natural)

White Grape, Christmas Cake, Fudge

Regular price $30.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $30.00 AUD
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Shipping Information

Shipped by: Monastery Coffee
Location: Adelaide, SA

Monastery Coffee process orders on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Coffee is always shipped within 7 days of roasting.

Items ordered today are expected to ship by Monday (23 September)

  • Free delivery for orders 1kg+ from any one roaster
  • 10% discount on purchase of multiple 1kg bags of coffee blends


The Kerinci Regency, located within the Jambi province on the island of Sumatra in
Indonesia, is an area renowned for its world-class coffee production. Nestled amongst majestic rainforests, with its highest peak Mount Kerinci reaching an impressive 3,800 masl, this region has proven to be highly conducive to successful coffee cultivation.

The Koerintji Barokah Bersama Cooperative, founded by Triyono in 2017, is one of the most successful cooperatives in this region, comprising 380 members who cultivate coffee on over 200 hectares of land across the village of Jernih Jaya and nearby areas. 

The harvested beans are first soaked in water to remove floaters before undergoing an 8-day fermentation process. During this time, the coffees are stored in plastic bags which are flipped twice a day to ensure even and consistent fermentation. The coffee is then dried on raised beds for 22-25 days before undergoing a two week resting period. The beans then go through hulling and gravity grading, where defective beans are removed to ensure that only the highest quality coffee remains.

The cooperative’s commitment to quality led them to win several national-level competitions since their establishment. In 2021 they achieved a remarkable 6th place in the Cup of Excellence competition. Additionally, to improve farm productivity, cooperative members have incorporated shade trees and an agroforestry system that benefits both the environment and coffee farmers’ incomes.

  • Region: Jernih Jaya, Jambi
  • Country: Indonesia
  • Elevation: 1,450 masl
  • Variety: Sigarar Utang, S-795, Andungsari
  • Processing: Anaerobic Natural
View full details
  • Coffee Profile

    Roast Type
    Filterw Filter
    Roast Level
    Indicator fullIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator empty
    Single origin Single Origin
    Best served Black Best served Black
  • Brewing Guide

    Methods recommended
    Espresso Pour over Aeropress Drip coffee French press
    Brewing recipe for Pour over

    1 : 15

    brew ratio


    ground coffee


    brewed coffee


    brewing time


    brewing temperature

    This is our standard recipe for pour over filter brews using a 2 cup brewer. For larger sized brewers, increase the ground and brewed coffee weights using the same brew ratio.

    Source: Acuratore
  • Tasting Guide

    Taste Profile
    Bright & Fruity Bright & Fruity
    Tasting Notes

    White Grape, Christmas Cake, Fudge

Adam from Monastery Coffee


Monastery Coffee

Monastery Coffee are a small batch roaster of traceable coffee, based in Adelaide, South Australia.

As a roaster, Monastery Coffee feel it is their role to firstly, roast only to preserve and highlight the individual qualities inherent in each coffee due to the meticulous work of the producers, and secondly, to make sure the consumer knows who the producers are and where the coffee came from.

Monastery Coffee

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