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Monastery Coffee

Deri Kidame (Natural) - Ethiopia

Deri Kidame (Natural) - Ethiopia

Honeydew Melon, Blueberry Yoghurt, Cumquat

Regular price $20.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 AUD
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Shipping Information

Shipped by: Monastery Coffee
Location: Adelaide, SA

Monastery Coffee process orders on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Coffee is always shipped within 7 days of roasting.

Items ordered today are expected to ship by Monday (23 September)

  • Free delivery for orders 1kg+ from any one roaster
  • 10% discount on purchase of multiple 1kg bags of coffee blends


The Deri Kidame washing station is named for the village, where it is located in Ethiopia’s Guji zone. The area has fertile red brown soil and Cordia Africana and Acacia Ensete ventricosum trees for shade, benefiting the coffee plants grown by the many smallholder farmers who contribute cherries to the washing station.  The washing station is outfitted with 10 fermentation tanks and 181 raised drying beds which are assigned individual codes, allowing for improved traceability and a higher level of control and tracking throughout the drying process.

This lot of coffee underwent natural processing where the cherries are sorted to remove less dense fruit prior to processing. The cherries are then moved to raised beds where they are dried for approximately 18 days.

  • Region: Guji
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Elevation: 2,000 – 2,100 masl
  • Variety: Kurume, Dega, Wolisho
  • Processing: Natural
View full details
  • Coffee Profile

    Roast Type
    Filterw Filter
    Roast Level
    Indicator fullIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator emptyIndicator empty
    Single origin Single Origin
    Best served Black Best served Black
  • Brewing Guide

    Methods recommended
    Espresso Moka pot Pour over Aeropress Drip coffee French press
    Brewing recipe for AeroPress

    1 : 15

    brew ratio


    ground coffee


    brewed coffee


    brewing time


    brewing temperature

    This is our standard recipe for AeroPress filter brews. You may want to experiment with this recipe to tailor your brew to your taste preference.

    Source: Acuratore
  • Tasting Guide

    Taste Profile
    Bright & Fruity Bright & Fruity
    Tasting Notes

    Honeydew Melon, Blueberry Yoghurt, Cumquat

Adam from Monastery Coffee


Monastery Coffee

Monastery Coffee are a small batch roaster of traceable coffee, based in Adelaide, South Australia.

As a roaster, Monastery Coffee feel it is their role to firstly, roast only to preserve and highlight the individual qualities inherent in each coffee due to the meticulous work of the producers, and secondly, to make sure the consumer knows who the producers are and where the coffee came from.

Monastery Coffee

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